I usually do not have a strong, detailed memory of books I read or movies I watch in terms of their plots and story line. However, the key characters and the feeling that it leaves me with, usually stay with me for a long time. Recently, I was reminded of "Atlas Shrugged" from a tweet by a Mentor and I remembered the feeling of inspiration and disruption it had had on my thinking when I had read it in my teens. I decided to pick it up for a re-read, also curious about a calibration of my own progress. Reading it again gave me a feeling of having plunged into a different age in the history of human progress in terms of engineering , of metals, rail roads and the like as opposed to the digital worlds that I seem to be immersed in these days. The core message from the revolutionary leader in the book (Refer to the Chapter :"John Galt Speaking") is over 70 pages of monologue and is a stark contrast ...