Time is a scale whose linear and constant nature is very illusive.
The most watched epic serial of the 90's in India- Mahabharat, was brilliantly narrated by Time, personified.
Time is not a constant, it is highly flexible, variable. This experience of time seems to be closely connected with how many experiences your brain can handle. Time converts to brain power.
Whatever happened in the past is all in our memory. That is the only evidence of the past time. Time here essentially becomes memory, brain power. Projecting this theory to future - viewing time non linearly which allows you to "remember" or "see" the future - this prescience makes your Life and Time exactly the same- all in your brain, all in your memory.
It is said and understood that as one travels through space , time changes and the way one experiences it changes too. I took my daughter to the planetarium yesterday and it blew my mind to hear that it takes light a billion years to travel from the Andromeda Galaxy to a viewer on Earth and if we were to have a direct view of the galaxy, what we would be seeing at present is the view of the galaxy a billion years ago!
Similarly, traversing one's brain, the matter in which is made up of the same atoms that make up the entire universe, it should only be consequential that time should seem transcendental and relative just like in space. Just like in space, there is a whole arena of unexplored stars and galaxies in our minds.
"Life is a journey, not a destination" This is a mantra that yogis live by and the "Enlightened" understand. They seem to have understood some part or the whole of the non-linearity of life and time.