People can widely be categorized into different groups depending on their influence in your lives: Some people are extremely essential for a happy existence. They are enrichment to your souls and refreshment to your mind and deprivation of their company or their presence in ur life for a period of time ( the duration, depending on ur tolerance level!), once you have known one of this kind could be devastating. You could feel the moss getting deposted on ur soul. Here is where you see sharing of thoughts much more than sharing of daily events. You might go without knowing where exactly he is but never miss to find out how exactly he feels. Such people come to your life not very often, and their words and moments with them are worth treasuring either for the sheer quality of the person or for the very happy times you have had together, the happiness which would have nourished you much more than a "chicken soup" could have done to the souls.. This is the kind with whom you ...