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Book Review | The Courage to be Disliked

  "Humanity is a thin layer of bacteria on a ball of mud hurtling through the void. I think if there was a god, he would've given up on us long ago. He gave us a paradise and we used everything up. We dug up every ounce of energy and burned it. We consume and excrete, use and destroy. Then we sit here on a neat little pile of ashes, having squeezed anything of value out of this planet, and we ask ourselves, "Why are we here?" You wanna know what I think your purpose is? It's obvious. You're here, along with the rest of us, to speed the entropic death of this planet. To service the chaos. We're maggots eating a corpse" - Quote from the HBO series, West World   I  find the above interpretation of who we are a lot more humbling, liberating and "real" as opposed to all the meaning, purpose and grandeur that we tend to give to human life. This is the basic message I took away from the book "The Courage to be Disliked". Yet another  lif
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